Wednesday, May 5, 2010

You're not helping...

This message is to the person or persons that had an envelope filled with white powder delivered to Jan Brewer's (Governor of Arizona) office.

Cut it out, YOU'RE NOT HELPING!!!

Our political process and dialogue is in bad enough shape that we don't need some lame, stupid, threatening bullshit like this. All you are doing is feeding the noise machine on the other side of the aisle and muddying the waters for anyone who wants to have a reasonable discussion with our fellow Americans regarding politics and the political process.

Jan Brewer is a public servant who is doing what she feels her constituents want to do. You don't have to agree with her, you have every right to disagree. You have every right to write her, email her, fax her, or protest her, but you do not have the right to pull stupid shit like this. Please, for the love of God, stop it.

By the way, the exact same thing goes for whoever mailed a letter with white powder in it to Anthony Weiner with a note about the recent healthcare bill. You don't have any more right to pull this kind of moronic stunt than the people on the other side of the aisle.

So, once again, to anyone of any political persuasion who thinks mailing white powder to public officials might be a good way to exercise their First Amendment rights...


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